Delray Beach SEO Company

Secrets FINALLY Revealed!



SEO Is Making A Huge Comeback BE READY!

Updated: 10 Mar 2023

As a small business owner in Tampa, you likely understand the importance of online visibility for reaching and retaining new customers. But with so many different marketing strategies available, it can be tough to know where to focus your efforts. One strategy that can pay off in spades is organic search engine optimization (SEO).

What is Organic SEO?

Organic SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords and phrases. Unlike paid search ads, which can offer immediate visibility but require an ongoing investment, organic SEO is a long-term strategy that can drive traffic to your site without requiring ongoing ad spend.

Why is Organic SEO Important?

According to a study by Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. If your website doesn’t show up in the first few search results for your target keywords and phrases, you are missing out on valuable traffic and potential customers. By focusing on organic SEO, you can improve your website’s visibility and drive more targeted traffic to your site.

Benefits of Organic SEO for Small Businesses

Here are just a few reasons why organic SEO can be a smart investment for small businesses in Tampa:

  1. Cost-Effective: Organic SEO can be a more cost-effective marketing strategy than other methods like paid advertising. While there is an upfront cost to optimizing your website and creating content, once your site is ranking, you can continue to drive traffic to your site without ongoing investment.
  2. Targeted Traffic: Organic SEO allows you to target specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business. This means that the traffic you attract to your site is more likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
  3. Builds Credibility: When your site appears at the top of search engine results pages, it can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers. They are more likely to view your business as a legitimate and authoritative source within your industry.
  4. Long-Term Benefits: Unlike other marketing strategies that offer short-term benefits, organic SEO is a long-term investment that can continue to pay off for months and years to come.
  5. Improves User Experience: By optimizing your website for search engines, you are also improving the user experience for your visitors. This can lead to higher engagement, longer session times, and ultimately, more conversions.

Organic SEO Strategies for Small Businesses

So how can small businesses in Tampa get started with organic SEO? Here are a few key strategies to consider:

  1. Conduct Keyword Research: The first step in any organic SEO campaign is to conduct keyword research. This involves identifying the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for, and then optimizing your website and content to rank for those terms.
  2. On-Page Optimization: On-page optimization involves optimizing the content on your website to improve its relevance and quality for specific keywords and phrases. This can include optimizing your titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content.
  3. Content Creation: Creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content can help to attract more traffic to your site and improve its overall quality. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more.
  4. Local SEO: For small businesses in Tampa, local SEO can be particularly important. This involves optimizing your website and content to rank for location-specific keywords and phrases, as well as setting up and optimizing your Google My Business profile.
  5. Link Building: Link building involves acquiring backlinks to your website from other authoritative websites in your industry. This can help to improve your website’s authority and relevance, and ultimately, improve your search engine rankings.

Hiring an Organic SEO Agency

While it is possible to conduct organic SEO in-house, many small businesses in Tampa opt to hire an agency to handle their SEO efforts. There are many benefits to this approach, including:

  1. Expertise: SEO agencies specialize in optimizing websites and creating content that ranks in search engines. By hiring an agency, you can benefit from their expertise and experience, which can help you to achieve better results faster.
  2. Time-Saving: SEO is a time-consuming process, and it can be challenging to manage it in-house while also running your business. By hiring an agency, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  3. Resources: SEO agencies have access to a wide range of tools and resources that can help them to conduct keyword research, track rankings, and analyze data. By leveraging these tools, they can create more effective SEO strategies for your business.
  4. Customization: SEO agencies can create custom strategies that are tailored to your business and its unique needs. This can help you to achieve better results than using a one-size-fits-all approach.
  5. ROI: While there is an upfront cost to hiring an SEO agency, the long-term ROI can be significant. By improving your website’s visibility and driving more traffic to your site, you can increase your revenue and grow your business over time.

Choosing the Right Organic SEO Agency

If you are considering hiring an SEO agency for your small business in Tampa, it is essential to choose the right partner. Here are a few key factors to consider:

  1. Experience: Look for an agency with a proven track record of success in organic SEO. Ask to see case studies and examples of their work to ensure that they have experience working with businesses in your industry.
  2. Transparency: A good SEO agency should be transparent about their processes, methods, and pricing. Avoid agencies that make unrealistic promises or guarantee results, as SEO is a complex and ever-changing field.
  3. Communication: Look for an agency that communicates clearly and regularly with their clients. They should be responsive to your questions and concerns and provide regular updates on your campaign’s progress.
  4. Customization: Avoid agencies that use a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. Look for an agency that will create a custom strategy tailored to your business and its unique needs.
  5. Reporting: A good SEO agency should provide regular reporting on your campaign’s progress, including traffic, rankings, and other metrics. Look for an agency that provides detailed, easy-to-understand reports that show the results of their work.


Organic SEO can be a smart investment for small businesses in Tampa, as it can help to improve online visibility, drive more targeted traffic to your site, and ultimately, increase revenue. By focusing on strategies like keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, local SEO, and link building, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more potential customers.

If you are considering hiring an SEO agency to help with your organic SEO efforts, be sure to choose a partner with experience, transparency, good communication, customization, and reporting. With the right partner, you can achieve better results and grow your business over time.

If you only learn one thing from reading this website, let it be this…

On-page search engine optimization is the key to getting your website to the top of search engines, and keeping it there. Websites without good on-page search engine optimization yo-yo up and down in the search results. In most cases, all other search engine marketing should be considered secondary. Your on-page SEO needs to be as good as you can get it.

Unethical SEO companies exploit short term loopholes in search engines that can temporarily boost your rankings in the search engines. This results in search engine penalties against your website, and can even lead to getting your website blacklisted.

Many SEO firms simply lack the technical expertise it takes to get the job done properly, so they resort to cheating. Everyday we speak to businesses that have had serious drops in Google rankings at the hands of unethical SEO companies. SEO firms are popping up left and right and simply lack the experience that it takes to do the work, so they cheat, and you pay the price for it.

To build a successful SEO campaign, you should align your goals with the goals of Google and other search engines. By understanding and following very specific search engine guidelines and requirements, we get you on top of the search engines, and if you continue to follow Google best practices guidelines, they will keep you there.

Comprehensive long term SEO strategies should be comprised of ethical web marketing and on-page optimization. All activities must be ‘White Hat’ and adhere to the mandates of search engines. You should never do anything that could potentially jeopardize your rankings. Only engage in ethical white hat Google friendly SEO initiatives, carried out manually.

Speak with a professional now. Call 669-696-4264

Question: What is the best long term strategy to get and keep top Google rankings?

Answer: Excellent on-page search engine optimization. Properly implemented on-page optimization should be the foundation of your long term strategy. Begin with implementing core fundamentals of on-page SEO. Off-site web marketing efforts should be secondary. You know the old adage, “keep a clean house”.

Extensive in-depth keyword research reveals very specific search terms that people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Research is completed for each and every one of our clients websites, and it is supplemented by continued research on a monthly basis. This results in high quality on-page search engine optimization. True SEO at its core. Sounds like a logical approach, right? You might even expect all SEO firms to take this professional, yet fundamental and logical approach, but they don’t.

The reality is that almost every site we compete with, including other search engine optimization company websites, have not covered the fundamentals. Almost every website we see has very poor on-page optimization.

Because of an absence of good on-page SEO on most websites, we can study your competitors websites, and show you where and how we will overtake that websites search engine position. Remember how your 4th grade teacher would write in red ink all over your English assignment? We have a big red pen too. But instead of just showing you the errors, we fix them. We edit your existing website until your on-page optimization is as close to perfect as it’s going to get!

Question: Why doesn’t your company focus on back-links and off-site articles and forums as much as the others do?

Answer: Buying back-links and content such as articles and forum posts is a haphazard practice. The current trend of new SEO firms is to purchase back-links, articles and forum posts from ‘link & content providers’ or link-farmers. It is called link farming and splogging.

Currently, most SEO firms are brand new to this industry. They are popping up fast, selling back-links and closing down. They are primarily sales oriented marketing firms with little to no technical experience. They don’t write code and they don’t manage web servers, two things you need to know in order to be a successful SEO provider.

As a result of this inexperience, they lack the expertise that it takes to implement true on-page search engine optimization. They simply collect your money and outsource the work by purchasing back-links, forum posts, articles and blog writing from “wholesale search marketing providers” or link-farmers located in countries like Bangladesh and India. This is highly unethical, it’s outright spamming called linkspam. The sad part of all of this is that YOU, the paying client, have no idea that it’s happening.

What goes on locally in the SEO industry…

May 2013 -We were hired to provide consulting to an SEO company located in the Tampa area. The company had a new CEO with no hands-on technical experience. He brought us in because he noticed many of his clients were starting to experience major declines in Google rankings.

He needed our help for both his clients’ website ranking and his own company’s ranking. We were asked to assess the situation and provide assistance to fix the current problems.

One of their clients, a doctor who owns and operates a walk-in medical clinic in Clearwater, refused to pay his bill after he was alerted to problems with the services rendered. He even warned of possible litigation due to damages he had received as a result.

After researching the client’s complaints, we found them to be valid. In fact, this client’s website, a medical clinic mind you, had over 3,000 unrelated back-links to it. Links from websites all over the world, including pornographic sites and sites that discussed the selling of illegal weapons in Russia.

Although it gave them a short term boost in the rankings, Google caught up with them and penalized them for having links that were considered linkspam and being linked from spamblogs or ‘splogs’.

The doctor had been paying our SEO client $2,500 a month for “web marketing.” This so-called “web marketing,” resulted in severe damage to the rankings of their website that lasted for months.

We shared what we discovered with the owner of the SEO firm that hired us. We showed him how his current SEO practices were actually damaging other businesses that were paying his company to help them. He ignored our recommendations. We offered to assist him by implementing a ‘Best Practices’ process to put a stop to the problem. It was refused. As a result, we chose to discontinue our relationship with them. A relationship that paid us $2,000 a week in consulting fees.

The story above, is the hard truth of what is going on in this industry.

We urge you to be very careful in choosing an SEO company. Check references and LONG TERM results, and remember… your SEO provider needs a solid understanding of website coding, scripting languages, web server and domain name DNS administration.

Question: Why choose us as your SEO Company?

Answer: You will be ranked in the TOP 5 on the first page of Google for keywords that drive traffic, not the keywords that are easy to promote. Work with us to identify the keywords that matter, and then let us do what we do best. Get your website listed for those keywords. Our affordable rates are based on the campaign strategy created specifically for your business and the efforts involved to implement the results.

Question: How much does it cost to get started?

Answer: Breaking down initial start-up costs into affordable monthly installments is the first step in the right direction for building a long-term trusting business relationship, which is something to be taken seriously. Regardless of who you work with, ask for a payment plan, any reputable SEO agency should certainly arrange something you can afford.

They should make it easy to get started, and should do the work that it takes to earn your trust before you over invest. A professional SEO agency should understand that you might need might not have the luxury of paying for extensive SEO or other web marketing services before the initial milestone work shows that it can generate results. It’s the best path to ensure a trusting long term relationship. An SEO Expert should produce results for you quickly.

Even in difficult markets, you should be expect to see the needle at least start moving. On page adjustments to your content and backend technical SEO should yield enough results in a month to see that needle starting to move ahead, at the very least. Consistent, direct and honest communication on a regular basis, ensures you are getting the results you expect; the results agreed upon.

Expect to be provided monthly reports that are convenient and easy to understand so you can keep a close eye on your rankings. Each month you should receive a report detailing the improvement in the rankings. The reports should not be tech jargon heavy, but plain speak. At all times, you should know how your campaign is performing. Don’t expect less and be sure to ask in advance to see examples of these reports.

Have you been struggling to rank your business #1 on Google?

Are you really frustrate? I’ll bet you would settle for even the 1st page at this point, right?

Well, the truth is, you don’t have to. Your search for the perfect way ends here!

We have a shockingly effective, yet unique approach that guarantees success in even the most competitive markets.

With our method, ranking first on Google is no longer just an elusive dream but a certainty within 90 days or less – guaranteed!

SEO isn’t ‘dead’ like many may soundly believe; it’s still one of the highest-converting and profitable traffic sources around.

So don’t miss out this incredible opportunity – take advantage today and see amazing results sooner than expected with us at your side every step of them way!

Advertising costs are skyrocketing!!

Recent data shows that the average Cost Per Click (CPC) has gone UP by 244% in 4 years and 171% over 12 months with foreseeable prices continuing to rise!

Don’t panic though;

If bad experiences have left a sour taste before, SEO can still offer sweet success…with some smart strategies of course ;)

You were probably overpromised by some fly by night carpetbaggers that showed you some high ranking obscure keywords like “Underwater Basket-Weaver in Bear Gulch Montana” or some other useless key-phrase for some other tiny town.

Delray Beach SEO Company

Press.Care, a Delray Beach SEO Company, has the search engine optimization strategies to spearhead your internet growth campaigns. With decades of experience in the field, we’ve supplied strong, data-focused plans that strengthen brands and get them noticed in today’s often crowded market.

Press.Care Internet Growth

Our Delray Beach SEO Company experts have first-hand experience in implementing high-value optimization strategies that grow companies of all sizes and types.

Delray Beach sits in Palm Beach County as part of the Miami metropolitan area. Called the “Village of the Sea,” the downtown district is one of the few in the country to be so close to the ocean. All of the shops, bars, and restaurants of the city are a short walk away from the warm waters of the Atlantic. Downtown is a hotbed of shopping and eating attractions.

Visit Delray Beach

Does your Delray Beach business have a internet marketing plan that will get it to stand out in the hectic marketplace? Our Press.Care SEO technicians have the services and know how to get you noticed.

Press.Care is a internet services company with a track record of helping companies seize their goals for well over two decades. We have the leading practices in boosting your ranking results in search to maximize your visibility.

Our Delray Beach SEO Company technicians use the best optimization strategies and tactics to expand and grow your business with stable and long-term strategies.

Why Choose ‘Press.Care’ Delray Beach SEO Company Services?

Even though provides services across the nation, we started in Central Florida back in 1997 as ‘Digital Global Networks’, offering web hosting, website design, and Search Engine Optimization, to more than 50,000 clients. 25 Years later, we have expanded to include “brick and mortar” offices in twenty more cities, including Delray Beach. Contact our agency today to stand out in your market and grow your business!

Organic SEO Experts in Delray Beach

All of our SEO Experts have at least five years of hands-on SEO experience. All work is performed in house without any overseas outsourcing.

Delray Beach SEO Company

301 W Atlantic Ave

Delray Beach, FL 33444

(561) 404 4404

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Delray Beach SEO Company Advanced Strategies

Keyword Research

Comprehensive keyword research is one of the cornerstones of our Delray Beach SEO Company team’s core services. We source the most competitive and high-value search terms to lead your search engine optimization strategy. We determine the most effective keywords to get your results to the top of search engine rankings.

Link Building

Increase leads for your business when you create and develop a robust backlinking campaign. With help of our Delray Beach SEO Company staff, your site will have boosted authority and credibility of your site with aid of our private blog network. We use only white-hat methods to cultivate more backlinks and create greater revenue.

Content Writing

Our Delray Beach SEO Company technicians are ready to produce finely made content that will please search engine bots and the customer alike. Have the certainty that your ad copy, blog posts, and social media are all aligned and consistent with your branding. Our editorial squad is also ready to track your content strategy to make sure that your technical and on-page SEO is up to date.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO entails all the methods and techniques that fully optimize the elements of your pages such as headlines, subheadings, images, and alt texts to expedite more conversation. Our Delray Beach SEO Company staff use the best in proven and tested procedures to supply the latest in cutting-edge on-page SEO.

Delray Beach SEO Company, Designs and Optimizes Beautiful, High-Ranking Websites.

Search engine optimization begins in the early planning stages of each website design. From the naming of images to the writing of title headings and content. Beautiful websites need to be found to be useful for your business. That is when the value of good SEO web design can be truly appreciated.

Amy Lynn Kelso

Website Designer – Press.Care Internet Growth

Learn More About Delray Beach SEO Company Services

Local SEO

Build up the customer base in your region and convert your existing loyal customers into brand ambassadors. Let our Delray Beach SEO Company professionals secure your listing on Google’s Local Pack, leading to increased visibility on search engine results. We organize your profiles and optimize them further to get your brand on top of the search rank results.

Technical SEO

Being compliant with technical guidelines from the major search engines to avoid penalties is just as important as the other core components. By making sure your backend systems are optimized thoroughly for speed, you’ll both generate and retain more traffic. Our Delray Beach SEO Company experts have the skills to get your systems in peak condition.

E-Commerce SEO

There are many challenges when it comes to running an e-commerce site in terms of increasing sales and boosting ROI. Our squad of skilled and seasoned Delray Beach SEO Company professionals are available to optimize your home page and product pages, in addition to applying high-value keywords. Increase your traffic and boost your revenue today.

Franchise SEO

Keep a consistent brand cohesion across all of your franchise units for your multi-location business. Our Delray Beach SEO company can assist you in navigating the constantly shifting landscape of franchise SEO. We customize the process to your preferences and needs, serving the needs of both your corporate office and the unique franchise locations.

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SEO For Industries

Delray Beach SEO Company Provides Specialty Services For Many Industries

From SEO for Dentists to SEO for Plumbers, we have the experience to build winning campaigns for any size or type of business. Partner up with Press.Care, a Delray Beach SEO company, today!

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