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Lead Magnets2023-11-13T09:54:19-05:00


Lead Magnets

With a full range of services designed to increase qualified website traffic, our US-based, in-house experts, deliver measurable qualified traffic to your site. First they need to analyze your current traffic.






We create your Lead Magnet (a piece of value that solves a specific problem for a specific market that is provided in exchange for an opt-in). We next make sure industry-proven conversion triggers are used.


We use direct response copywriting to build up strong connections with the prospect, with strong trust bonds. Our techniques lead to more sales conversations.


Our skilled conversion designers will construct a print or web-ready PDF that is ready to build more leads for your business. You can optimize your conversion rates using this copy for your website, landing pages, and email nurture sequences.





Define who we are targeting

Our Customer Personas are definitely the perfect tool to decide who is the customer we are targeting. By getting inside the minds of our prospective customers, we can produce campaigns that are truly unmatched. Naturally, this is when we consider the goal of the Lead Magnet. Is this at the top of the funnel in order to generate new leads or is by the bottom of the funnel in order to drive sales conversations?



Solve a SPECIFIC need for a SPECIFIC audience

Great Lead Magnets come in 5 common forms:

  • Making a specific promise
  • Giving a specific example, such as a case study
  • Offers a specific shortcut
  • Answers a specific question
  • Delivers a specific discount



Develop an irresistible name and hook

What steps would you take to captivate your audience to generate as much enthusiasm about your goods or service being sold? Are there any compelling stories or examples you can provide that would prove the product does what you say it does? At this point, what is the essence of what your audience needs to know about your product or service?



Decide on the format of the lead magnet

  • The format of the Lead Magnet will be formulated by the Objectives and Need of the audience:
  • Useful leads include such aspects as checklists and toolkits.
  • Educational leads should include such aspects as tutorials and ebooks.
  • Entertaining leads may include quizzes or giveaways.
  • Community-Building Lead Magnets may include challenges, membership sites, or other groups.
  • Bottom of Funnel Lead Magnets may include coupons, case studies, or free trials.



High quality copywriting

Our team of direct response copywriters provide the messaging that produces results. We use proven copy that builds emotional trust bonds with the prospective customer. This is without a doubt, the psychological edge that moves your audience further down your sales funnel.



Professional, print ready designed

Don’t let a shoddily-designed website get in the way of your messaging! Our skilled designers create beautiful and easy-to-use PDF documents that can instantly go to market.

Lead Magnets Lock



Gate your content with a conversion landing page

With a Lead Magnet in place to be deployed, it then needs to be directed to a Landing Page to capture user details. We use a high converting Land Page to offer the Lead Magnet, which we next use to to capture the user’s details. We integrate these new leads into your CRM or automation platform for further follow up.



Use the Thank You page to develop the relationship

Surprisingly, the Thank You Page provides one of the most underrated tools in digital marketing today. Many users will download their promised Lead Magnet and then possibly never return.

The Thank You page should be a content delivery mechanism that drives prospects further down the sales funnel.

lead magnets tracking



Setup Google Analytics conversion tracking

Your Lead Magnet download conversions must be accurately tracked in your Google Analytics data to best show the full picture of what drives your sales. Your Google Analytics reports will provide the most accurate understanding of what Lead Magnets are fulfilling the best returns.



Make an introductory offer

By now your lead magnet has been downloaded by a potential customer. Everything has worked to the plan, so now is the time to pull them in with a hot intro offer.

lead magnets promote



Get your lead magnet in the hands of new prospects

We coordinate your promotional strategy in order to maximize Lead Magnet efficiency. For example, We’ll have your Lead Magnet included in your website, your marketing campaigns, and in your lead nurture follow up segments.

Lead Magnets FAQ’s

What Is Included With My Purchase Of A Press.Care Website?2022-11-01T09:20:34-04:00

With your purchase of any Press.Care website, you will receive:

  • Lifetime security updates.

  • Premium backend and frontend database scripts and plugins.

  • More than 100 Premium Design and Layout Elements prebuilt into your site for future and current design use.

  • Detailed help files, constantly updated for use by your in house team if they care to update or troubleshoot and elements in the future.

  • Free, consistent, and stable updates to ensure compatibility with industry standards & trends.
  • Big websites always work with popular 3rd partyWordpress plugins like Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, The Events Calendar, HubSpot, WPML, and more.

Where Can I Get Support?2022-09-06T10:41:23-04:00

Hands-on support with our professional team of support experts is accessible by phone, chat, email, and support ticket communications 24/7.

  • To access support ticket system for non-emergency support, you will need to register a support account here.
  • Once your support account is set up, you can submit support tickets.
  • Learn how to navigate your support account Dashboard here.
  • You can also phone as or contact us using the info here.
  • For a detailed overview of our support policy read our terms.

Why Should I Trust Press.Care?2022-11-01T09:20:03-04:00

Trust is a quality that we take great care to foster and maintain by building long-term professional relationships that our customers can rely on. Here are some important qualifiers:

  • The #1 selling Website Development company and top rated according to consumer reports 11+ years and counting.

  • We love what we do and who we do it for. Your future is our focus.

  • All Press.Care websites are 100% developed and maintained in-house, in the USA.

  • Free, consistent, and stable updates to ensure compatibility with industry security standards.

  • Press.Care has no dependence on 3rd parties to deliver a stable & seamless website development experience.

  • 5500+ websites developed, along with help files, WordPress plug-in authoring and continued updates to keep all sites, scripts, and software, secure and updated.

  • We have created numerous video tutorials, with new videos, added regularly.

  • Press.Care WordPress websites work with popular 3rd party plugins like Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, The Events Calendar, HubSpot, WPML, and many more.

  • Years of evolving Press.Care’s website builder by listening to our customer’s feedback is what helps shape Press.Care’s roadmap for the future.

  • A community of Press.Care customers has created a very well-established online community forum.

  • Close to 6,000 Press.Care websites and counting, that’s real experience to help you build your dream website.

FREE Instant Report

Website SEO Audit

Add your info below to begin. Allow up to 15 seconds to generate and display your SEO Audit Report on the popup page.

lead magnets funnel


Customers with purchasing power can be offered such bonuses as a free quote or consultation, but what about those who aren’t ready to buy? You’re wasting lots of advertising if you are unable to build connections with your visitors.

Is your website experiencing a high rate of user abandonment? A top-tier lead magnet is an invaluable piece of free content that is custom tailored to appeal to your ideal client. This also serves as a stage as to where to exclude the people who might not be right for your business.

Lead Magnets increase conversion rates of traffic into leads. This is connected to the Drives More Leads stage of your customer acquisition funnel.

Get More Leads With Press.Care Lead Magnets

Whether you are a business owner, marketer, or web designer, Press.Care has the tools & resources you can rely on to succeed.

Get More Leads With Press.Care Lead Magnets

Whether you are a business owner, marketer, or web designer, Press.Care has the tools & resources you can rely on to succeed.

Get Your Free Analysis
3 key metrics to website auditing