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Sales Copywriting2022-12-12T10:44:27-05:00


Sales Copywriting

With a full range of services designed to increase qualified website traffic, our US-based, in-house experts, deliver measurable qualified traffic to your site. First they need to analyze your current traffic.





sales copywriting idea


It all begins with a “Big Idea.” This is the distilled and concentrated message so potent to your audience that their attentions are captured and fully engaged. Discovery of this idea is only possible with a deep and thorough mastery of both your audience and marketplace conditions.


A “big idea” must still be communicated clear and effectively for it to serve its purpose. The sole function of copy is to present the message. The best copy isn’t complex or excessive. The best copy for sales copywriting is so clear that everyone is able to understand it with clarity.

sales copywriting understanding


Readability is a must when it comes to capturing the attention of future customers in your audience. Your site design must provide the wide accessibility required to convey your message across all devices. If reading your site proves difficult, the attention of your audience will be driven elsewhere.



sales copywriting results



The first and only role of advertising is to sell

At the root level, copywriting is about forming emotional bonds with the reader in order to influence their purchasing habits. We need to know their desires and goals. This all is dependent upon a finely tuned perception of what actions we may take that will facilitate them into taking the action that meets your goals.



Persuade by showing readers how to get what they want

We must focus on the customer fully if we are to understand their wants and desires in order to better provide them with effective solutions. Testing can prove invaluable in this aspect in order to create offers that address their needs directly.

By showcasing how we are able to assist them in obtaining what they want, we will create and retain new customers with regularity.



Your lead appeal makes or breaks your copy

Cost-efficient split tests provide fast answers about what the market wants. The best insight is determined by knowing what convinces peoople to spend their dollars. No amount of market research is able to provide that information as effectively.

sales copywriting headlines



Headlines tell the prospect your message is for them

Our attention is being fought for every day and the competition is fierce. We can only process so many messages during our waking hours and we have all adapted highly tuned filters to separate the wheat from the chaff. We can determine the relevancy of an advertisement with a mere glance.

Clear and effective headlines aim for the core of prospective customers in your audience. It speaks to their goals, desires, and concerns. A well-written headline demands their attention in good sales copywriting.



Once you have attention, keep it by making the copy valuable

People don’t electively choose to be marketed to. People skip ads on DVRs and use ad blockers on their computers. They will read articles that feature engaging editorials or beneficial information. We can boost the odds of retaining our prospects’ attention by providing a free service to them.

Supplying helpful information as a form of advertising generates trust, demonstrates your aptitude, and lowers barriers of opposition to sales. This can be key when it comes to lead generation.



Every big promise needs to be proven

People tend to be skeptical when they are being marketed at. They’ve been given over-inflated promises and shorted in turn far too often. Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence.

Thankfully, our skilled sales copywriting experts can use many forms of proof to convince prospective customers that your promise is genuine.

sales copywriting reasons



Always give readers a reason to believe

There are three essential questions you need to clear off in your prospective customer’s mind before they respond to your calls to action:

  • Why choose you: You must provide convincing reasons why someone should pick you above all options, including the choice of inaction.
  • Why believe you: You must provide solid evidence as to why your claims have veracity. This bolsters your credibility.
  • Why now: You must provide a solid argument to get them to act today.



Remove your customer’s risk of buying

By taking away risk from customers, you forge a sense of trust that leads to increased conversions. This may be crucial if your competition is not providing this sense of ease.



Tell readers what you want them to do

Always issue a direct and immediate call to action. Without this, you’re rolling the dice of your prospective customer taking your desired action at a later time. There’s countless factors to impede upon a future sale if you can’t lock them in on first contact. You don’t want to leave this up to chance. Well-written sales copywriting will inspire your audience to act.


What Do Costs Typically Run?2022-10-31T15:35:00-04:00

This is highly dependent on the overall volume of work. Typically we charge by the page, pending the length of the page and the overall amount of research required to produce. Contact us about your needs and we’ll provide you with a free quote.

What Types Of Sales Copy Do You Typically Produce?2022-10-31T15:33:50-04:00

We do it all. We mostly create sales pages, landing pages, explainer scripts for videos, and email campaigns.

Will I Be Able To Receive A Quote Before Production Begins?2022-10-31T15:33:20-04:00

Yes. We will supply a quote that covers deliverables, timelines, and costs before we begin full production work.

Do You Handle All The SEO Work?2022-10-31T15:32:53-04:00

Yes. We have experienced SEO copywriters ready to work on your project who are able to produce content that is optimized for all search engines.

What Are The Differences Between Sales Copywriting And Content Writing?2022-10-31T15:32:05-04:00

Copy tends to be focused on sales of what is actually being sold or marketed. This would include landing pages, sales pages, product pages, and promotional emails. Content writing is a bit more varied in scope. It can cover everything from entertainment to educational content. This would cover items like blog posts, eBooks, and other general webpage types.

What Will Be Required Of Me To Begin Production On Sales Copywriting?2022-10-31T15:31:27-04:00

We will need you to fill out a briefing document and/or request you to attend a strategy briefing call. This will lay out objectives and strategies that will be formulated for the content to be produced.

What Happens For Projects That Shift Focus Or Make Alterations?2022-10-31T15:30:47-04:00

Minor changes to the scope will likely be played by ear and worked with accordingly. Any larger issues may require a brief reappraisal. We can let you know of any possible changes to pricing to be agreed upon before the project deliverables become overly altered.

Will Confidentiality Be Secured?2022-10-31T15:30:13-04:00

We consider all relations with our clients to be confidential. We’re more than happy to sign NDAs if that secures your trust.

What Is The Procedure If I Don’t Approve Of The First Draft Of Copy?2022-10-31T15:29:50-04:00

We will work with all chances for your feedback to be given and will use any edits to the copy you have made yourself. With satisfaction guaranteed, we will edit and rewrite until you are happy with the final product.

How Long Does The Process Typically Take?2022-10-31T15:29:19-04:00

The volume and complexity of the work are what determines everything. We can work with dogged determination and have delivered over 20 pages for some clients in as little as a week.

If I Was Interested In Requesting Services, Where Is A Good Place To Start?2022-10-31T15:28:14-04:00

The first major step would involve a strategy call where we learn more about your business and the status of your digital marketing program. Using this call as a launching point, we can better serve your needs in order to provide recommendations on the best practices to prioritize. This will also be the time an estimate of the price for services is provided.

Why Don’t You Charge By The Word Like Some Copywriters Do?2022-10-31T15:27:36-04:00

Every project is unique and requires special attention to research requirements that allow us better able to speak with authority about your business, your industry, and your customer base. We find that a deeper understanding of a topic allows us to say more while retaining precise clarity of language.

What Are Your Qualifications For Copywriting?2022-10-31T15:26:15-04:00

We have a dedicated team of expert sales copywriters ready to be assigned to your business. We have also led sales copywriting-centered campaigns that have fostered impressive results. Our team has all the skills and experience to make sure your campaigns are always improving.

Is Your Sales Copywriting Work Considered More B2B Or More B2C In Nature?2022-10-31T15:25:52-04:00

We are diversified to handle either and have specialists in both.

What Happens If You Have No Writers With Knowledge Or Experience In My Field?2022-10-31T15:25:17-04:00

It’s rare, but there are cases when we don’t appear to have a writer in our network without relevant experience. Our first option is to have one of our writers enter a deep research mode. We also may run interview sessions with you to better understand you and your industry. We also may ask you to provide any writings on the topic that could better help serve us.

Will I Need To Sign A Contract?2022-10-31T15:24:36-04:00

We have no fixed contracts and all of our plans are handled month-to-month.  We simply ask for a 30-day notice on all cancellations of service.

In What Form Will Copy Be Submitted?2022-10-31T15:24:13-04:00

Copy will generally be provided as a Google Doc, which is extremely user-friendly in terms of sharing, commenting, and collaboration. We are happy to convert it into a Word document or PDF if needed.

Will I Hold Ownership Over The Copywrite Work Done For Me?2022-10-31T15:23:46-04:00

Yes. All of the work produced by our sales copywriting team will be owned by you 100%.

Do You Have Any Special Terms?2022-10-31T15:22:26-04:00

Every project is unique and is handled on a case-by-case basis. We have no locked-in contracts and our clients work with us on month-to-month plans. We have served some clients for many years!

What Is Your Availability?2022-10-31T15:22:04-04:00

We have a dedicated team of experienced writers just waiting to be deployed. We almost always have a skilled copywriter on deck to develop your project.

I Need Content ASAP- Can You Help Me?2022-10-31T15:21:42-04:00

Absolutely! We can rush delivery as needed to meet your schedule. Contact us in order to immediately begin your project.

Would We Be Able To Discuss Matters In Person?2022-10-31T15:21:19-04:00

Yes. Our team is free to meet. Call us up and we can schedule something.

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sales copywriting SEO audit


The best converting copy leads to increased revenue. It builds trust and grows your customer base.

Sales copywriting is crucial to all aspects of your customer acquisition funnel, from lead magnets, to ad campaign creatives, to blog posts, to sales pages, and emails. Every stage matters.

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